b'TESTIMONIALIts all about the journey.I first met Eye Designs on August 7, 2002 to plan out my first practice. I have worked with Eye Designs 6 more times over the last N O CAT E E , F L O R I D A 22 years as St. Johns Eye Associates has grown to 4 locations. Each location is able to deliver an amazing first time impression to our patients because of Eye Designs ability to understand that details matter. Its not just about the optical displays (which are progressive and retail focused in their design), but is also the other elements that go into designing a beautiful optometric practice. I look forward to working with Eye Designs for the next 22 years.~ Dr. Sharokh Kapadia, OD, FAAOSt. Johns Eye AssociatesPROJECT PROFILE | 31'