b'Left Wall Configurations.KINETIC 101 LEFT WALL EXAM DESK WITH REAR SINK Exam room console measuring 101Exam desk is positioned on left wall as you face the patient chair. Exam room system with sink base, solid surface sink and countertops, trash bin, faucet, Smart Office System, wire management cabinet and 3 drawer CPU base. Smart Office System includes 1 monitor rail, 1 monitor arm, 1 three compartment acrylic tissue/glove holder, 1 file folder, 1 phone mount, 1 cork board, 1 literature holder, 1 single shelf, 1 canister holder and 1 drops holder.EXAM2RHKNShown with optional keyboard tray item # D246and electronic faucet upgradeKINETIC 30 EXAM SINK WITH RIGHT SIDE TRASH BIN Exam room sink with trash bin, faucet, oversized backsplash and solid surface countertop.EXAMSBCKNShown with electronic faucet upgrade44 | KINETIC'