b'SMART OFFICE FULL WALL PANEL Kit includes 1 SMART OFFICE panel, 1 pencil/literature holder, 1 cork board, 1 file holder, 1 graphic panel holder, 1 tissue/glove dispenser, 1 metal shelf drops holder, 1 metal shelf canister holder, 1 metal shelf, 5 Locking Frame Holders and 2 accessory hooks.EXAMSOEGERGO EXAM 60 SMART OFFICE WITH ACCESSORIESSmart Office panel with 1 metal shelf canister holder, 1 file folder holder, 1 metal shelf drops holder, 1 tissue/glove dispenser.EXAMSO60EG ASCEND-EX SMART OFFICEAdd storage above your Ascend-EX exam desk with our Smart Office panels. Organize all your tools and supplies with a complete line of attachable storage accessories sold separately. Comes in 3 variations.ASCSOP-3 - 3 VERSA PANELS ASCSOP-4 - 2 VERSA PANELS/SIGNAGE (SHOWN) ASCSOP-5 - 2 VERSA PANELS/DRY ERASE BOARDShown with optional accessoriesSMART OFFICE | 65'