b'MyEyeDr - Provided Exam Room Desks for Over 890 LocationsVIENNA, VAAAFES - Army & Air Force Exchange ServicesDALLAS, TXEye Partners dba Vision Center SouthDOTHAN, ALStone Oak Ophthalmology CenterSAN ANTONIO, TXNova Southeastern Universitys College of OptometryFORT LAUDERDALE, FLThe Wills Eye Hospital Illinois College of OptometryPHILADELPHIA, PA CHICAGO, ILWestchester Medical Center BJs WholesaleHAWTHORNE, NY NATIONAL ACCOUNTSightMD Lexington Eye AssociatesNY, NJ, PA, CT (MULTIPLE LOCATIONS) CONCORD, MAEyecare Services Partners ReFocus Eye HealthHOLLYWOOD, FL PHILADELPHIA, PACentral Optometry Advanced Eyecare AssociatesLONDON, ON BOZEMAN, MTFrantz EyeCare US Army Health CenterNAPLES, FL VINCENZA, ITALYRule Eye Care North Valley Eye CareLANSING, MI CHICO, CAVSP On Site ClinicsPlus Many Other Independent Ophthalmology & Optometry Practices Domestically & Worldwide.USER LIST | 03'